Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Your Story...Is Irrelevant

Let me spell this out clearly, because a lot of people seem to be having trouble getting this idea in their head. We DO NOT want to hear why you can't pay your bill. Just tell us you can't pay right now and that you want to set up a payment arrangement.

Allow me to expand on this a bit. I've heard almost every possible (reasonable) excuse for not being able to pay the bill. I've also heard a few unreasonable excuses as well.

The following is a list of excuses heard regularly:

1.) I'm on disability
2.) I'm a single mom
3.) My wife left me and didn't pay the bills
4.) Times are hard
5.) I work in retail
6.) There's been a death in the family.
7.) I've been in the hospital

The following is a list of excuses that are pretty rare, but have been heard:

1.) My dog ate the check
2.) I only pay in cash
3.) Someone stole my identity

Now...the reason you can't pay your bill is irrelevant. We have the same set of guidelines regardless of scenario. So skip the bullshit and just ask for an extension. It's not that we don't care...it's just that we don't care.

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